Monday, August 4, 2014

Marvel Legendary Smart Randomizer - In the Play Store Now!

I've just launched the first version of my "smart" randomizer for the Marvel Legendary deck-building game.  I found that there weren't many options on the Play store for the game, so I created this quick and easy, no-frills app to speed up the game setup and get you playing a more fun game more quickly.

The key to this app is the "smart" selection system, which looks at the Masterminds, Schemes, Villains, and Henchmen groups, and uses an algorithm that selects heroes that are most suitable for the combination of random elements selected.  You won't always get the best heroes (where's the fun in that?), but you'll get suitable heroes more often than not.

Come check it out -

If you have any questions or comments about the app, feel free to let me know!


  1. Feature request: Add number of scheme twists to add in the "Villain/Adversary Deck" section

    Sorry if this is not the right place to put this, but as a fellow developer, I know a review is not the right place. Love the app, /cheers

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Love the app, however i think i am running into one bug. The doom bot legion appears twice in the henchmen group. Once as Doom Bot Legion and once as doombots. Thanks for your hard work!

    1. Thanks, Bill - I'll take a look at this.

  3. Love the game and am using the app...within the settings I have a question (ex, playing the standard original game...does the team weight percentage refer to the heroes...while the class preference relate to the villains? Thanks.

    1. Jill - The "smart" selection method chooses heroes who complement each other based on their classes or teams, as well as the characteristics of the villains that are selected. The intent is to ensure that you've got a team that works well together and that you don't wind up with a hero that's "useless" against the villains/mastermind selected.

  4. OK, I don;t mean to sound dense but in the settings if I choose a team weight of 75% and a class weight of 40%, what do those numbers represent...and how do they factor in, in terms of randomized heroes generated? Should I always leave the weights at 50% 50% or is there benefit to playing around with those settings, and if could you explain? Thanks.

    1. The weighting just makes it more or less likely that you'll get a team of heroes that's selected to be complementary in skills and teams to one another -- the higher the team slider, the less likely you'll get a blend of teams (ie: you won't get one Avenger that basically requires other Avengers for their abilities to work); the higher the class slider, the more likely you'll get a set of classes that work together (ie: you won't have one Tech hero that requires other Tech heroes for their abilities to work). The default is set to 50/50 to allow for some "real" randomization but still result in good complementary selections. If you set it to 0/0, then team/class will not be taken into account at all (just like generic random); if you set it to 100/100, then teams and classes will always try to match up precisely.

  5. Love the app, it's very useful. I have a few things I'd like to see implemented if you find the time/desire to do so.

    1. Add a Random Mastermind and Random Commander to the choices so you can pick if you want a commander or mastermind but still have the specific one be random

    2. Same as number 1 but with schemes/plots

    3. Option under scheme/plot to choose a random one based on whether you have a commander or mastermind. That way you could pick random for commander/mastermind and pick this option it would give you a random scheme if it picked a mastermind or a random plot if it picker a commander

    4. An option to make it pick the playmat based upon whether you get a commander or a mastermind so it would give you the hero playmat if you are facing a mastermind and the villain mat if facing a commander.

    5. The ability to mannually assign 1 or more of the heroes/villains and have the app randomize the rest. That way you could pick your favorite hero or two and have it smart select other ones to compliment or fill in the rest with randoms.

    That having been said I have to mention that this app has already made one of my favorite games even more enjoyable. Thanks for all the work you've put in to this.

    1. Also, I'd like to be able to pick a commander if I'm running heroes and be able to pick a mastermind if I'm running villains only.

  6. Hey don't know if you still check this, but my app just started showing special rules: use only 3 henchman cards and use only 1 master strike. No matter what combination of expansions I select. I'm ignoring it when I play but it's something to look at

    1. Those are standard rules for solo play; is this showing for non-solo games?

    2. Fixed it; was related to a fix I tried to put in for Organized Crime Wave. Will push it momentarily.

  7. Thanks for looking into that. Also suggest some incorporation of a mastermind player maybe a deck for it. I know people play the ambition mastermind differently but something to consider. Great work

  8. Would you be able to add Big Trouble In Little China?

  9. Hi! Love the app! A very minor correction needs to be done when playing solo, it should say to use 5 Master Strikes, as it has been set in the updated solo rules in the Dark City expansion.

  10. Time to update for world war hulk still missing thanks

  11. Was wondering if the update could include the new antman and maybe an option with the player mastermind deck. Thanks.

    1. I'll be adding Ant-Man as soon as I get my hands on it; I'll have to take a look at the player mastermind idea.

  12. Just a heads-up, the Replace Earth's Heroes with HYDRA (MCU) scheme incorrectly lists zero Scheme Twists for the Villain Deck instead of five. Also, in Special Instructions, there should be "3 Additional Twists next to the Scheme."

    Also, the Explosion at the Washington Monument scheme incorrectly lists zero Bystanders for the Villain Deck, instead of eight.

    1. Thanks, I'll take a look at these when I do the Ant-Man update.

    2. This should be fixed in the Ant-Man update, which I'm working on this weekend. Thanks for the report!

  13. Great app, btw. Thanks for creating it!

  14. Just played the Replace Earth's Heroes with HYDRA (MCU) scheme again. It should actually be named Replace Earth's Leaders with HYDRA (MCU). Also, this scheme should list 18 Bystanders, instead of eight.

    The Super Hero Civil War (MCU) scheme should list eight scheme twists instead of five and eight Bystanders instead of two for a 2-Player count selection. It should list eight twists instead of five for the 3-Player count, as well.

    The Distract the Hero scheme should generate five random heroes, instead of six. It seems like it's programmed to grab one hero group with the Spider-Man affiliation, in addition to the other five. However, in the settings, I only have Spider-Man Homecoming and the MCU: Phase 1 selected. So, it should only be selecting one of the Spider-Man heroes from that set. Instead, it's selecting a random Spider-Man group from across all of the sets. For instance, Silk, Spider-Woman, and Ultimate Spider-Man have been chosen on various attempts. These characters are not in Spider-Man Homecoming.

    That's all I've noticed so far. I'll keep you updated. Thanks!

    1. Thanks for the details -- I'm doing some work to update for Ant Man this weekend, so hopefully I'll have a chance to look into some of these issues as well.

    2. The fixes for these will go out with the Ant-Man update; the first two were pretty simple, the third was a little trickier, but I think I got it.

  15. Sweet! Do you have an eta for the Ant-Man update?

    1. Should be live soon - I put it up on the Store this afternoon.

  16. Thanks for the update. The Explosion at the Washington Monument scheme still incorrectly lists zero Bystanders for the Villain Deck, instead of eight. Also, the Super Hero Civil War (MCU) scheme still lists two Bystanders, instead of eight for a 2-Player count selection.

    1. I don't see any modification on the civil war scheme that changes the bystander count from default (which is 2 for a 2-player game according to the rules).

  17. Actually, I just noticed the regular Super Hero Civil War scheme incorrectly lists two Bystanders, instead of eight for a 2-Player count selection, too.

  18. My apologies; I overlooked that it should only be two, instead of eight. The Explosion at the Washington Monument scheme shouldn't list zero Bystanders, though. I had to look it up, but the 18 Bystanders mixed with the 14 Wounds is a separate deck from the standard Villain Deck. As such, the standard counts of Bystanders should still be included at the various Player Counts.

    1. No worries. I've fixed the Explosion scheme, will go out in the next update.

  19. This thing rocks. We used to randomize manually but it was awfully slow. Thanks for the great app.

  20. Latest version: If "villains playmat recommended by fear itself allies" comes up, playmat option is stuck on villains no matter how often you reshuffle, even if settings is for heroes playmats only. Not sure if this was on earlier versions or not.

    1. Thanks for noting this, will take a look at it when I update it for the SHIELD expansion.

    2. I think I fixed this in the new version pushing today for the SHIELD update. Let me know if you still see it happening!

  21. First thing I want to say is this app is amazing and I commend you for developing and expanding it. With that being said, any word on when it'll be updated with the new expansion pack Heroes of Asgard?

    1. Hi there, the app got flagged for review by Google when I pushed the HoA update, so we'll see if they'll let me keep maintaining it. I've appealed the hold, but with the COVID stuff going on I don't know when I'll get a decision.
